WMO Marine Services Course for Africa
The goal of the online course is to promote best practices for Impact-Based Forecasting for marine customers, with a focus on familiarization and effective implementation…
The goal of the online course is to promote best practices for Impact-Based Forecasting for marine customers, with a focus on familiarization and effective implementation…
International Distance Training Course on the Installation and Maintenance of Meteorological Observing Instruments will be organized by China Meteorological Administration Training Centre (CMATC), which is…
The Information Communication and Instrumentation Training Centre (ICITC), RTC New Delhi is offering a refresher training programme to the departmentals/extradepartmental personnels working as meteorological technicians/operators.…
Aquatic vegetation (AV) provides a habitat for numerous small invertebrate and fish species. Kelp forests, for example, are the dominant coastal ecosystem in temperate waters.…
This training will combine basic information on the remote sensing of aquatic vegetation, spectrometry of aquatic/coastal vegetation, and a demonstration of the NASA-funded Floating Forests…
Climate variability and change, occurrences of extreme weather events and anthropogenic pressures on the environment, all contribute to growth and dispersal of pathogens, leading to…