EUMeTrain Weather Briefing

Hosted by EUMeTrain, weather briefings are monthly online weather discussions about the phenomena that occurred over the past month, since the last weather briefing. Satellite…

Forecaster’s Training Course

Date of commencement: 9.03.2020 1.E Learning :Dynamic Meteorology, Numerical weather prediction Physical Meteorology, Physical Oceanography, Synoptic Meteorology, Aviation Meteorology , Climate science, Statistics, Hydrometeorology, Satellite…

Integrated Meteorological Training Course

Date of commencement: 02.03.2020:1.Over view &Observational System:- Meteorological Variables, Surface observation & Charting, Instrumentation, Aviation, Pilot Balloon Theory, Upper air observation (First 2 weeks) 2.…

EUMeTrain Weather Briefing

Hosted by EUMeTrain, weather briefings are monthly online weather discussions about the phenomena that occurred over the past month, since the last weather briefing. Satellite…