Large-scale and synoptic systems
You are invited to the next edition of the online African Weather Briefing, proudly hosted by South African Weather Service. Join us as we analyse…
You are invited to the next edition of the online African Weather Briefing, proudly hosted by South African Weather Service. Join us as we analyse…
The course will be delivered in French and aims to develop participants’ skills in the use, handling and processing of geostationary (GEO) and polar (LEO)…
The Information Communication and Instrumentation Training Centre (ICITC), WMO RTC in India, New Delhi, is offering a Refresher Training Programme to the departmental / extra-departmental…
The Information Communication and Instrumentation Training Centre (ICITC), RTC in India (New Delhi) is offering a refresher training programme to personnel working as meteorological technicians/operators.…
Le cours en ligne sur l’interprétation de base de l’imagerie satellitaire se déroulera du 6 au 24 mai 2024. Il est proposé en anglais et…
The online course on Basic Satellite Imagery Interpretation will take place 6-24 May 2024. It is offered both in English and French language, by the…