IPMA warning system
This webinar will cover the following topics: – Meteoalarm warnings and close collaboration with civil protection authorities are the basis of the IPMA warning system.…
This webinar will cover the following topics: – Meteoalarm warnings and close collaboration with civil protection authorities are the basis of the IPMA warning system.…
These monthly weather and climate discussions are bilingual (English and Spanish) and focus on WMO regions III (South America) and IV (Central America/Caribbean). The sessions…
If you are engaged in Earth Observation training, education, and capacity building – join upcoming meetings (online discussions) of regional Communities of Practice (CoP) to…
This session aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of utilising the EUMETSAT Data Store and Data Tailor, emphasising both the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and…
This workshop aims to enhance collaboration between EO data providers and African hydrological institutions. After consolidating user needs, discussion will focus on a roadmap for…
The Information Communication and Instrumentation Training Centre (ICITC), WMO RTC in India, New Delhi component, is offering a refresher training programme to the departmental /extra…