ESSL-EUMETSAT Testbed on Severe Convective Storms
Testbeds are organized both to teach forecasting severe convective storms using state-of-the-art or even experimental forecasting tools, and to evaluate such tools. At these events…
Testbeds are organized both to teach forecasting severe convective storms using state-of-the-art or even experimental forecasting tools, and to evaluate such tools. At these events…
The course is aimed to help participants to improve their forecasting skills, such as the forecasting of hazardous weather phenomena and weather parameters, and to…
This course is intended for Nordic operational meteorologists and will be organized by Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute in collaboration with the Nordic meteorological institutes…
The Information Communication and Instrumentation Training Centre (ICITC), RTC India is offering a refresher training programme to professionals working as meteorological technicians/operators. It will be…
The course is aimed to enhance the participants’ understanding in agrometeorology administrational issues, including functions and responsibilities, farming systems at different administrative levels, and China’s…
This year, the 54th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics will focus on machine learning and data analysis in oceanography. As part of this event,…