Advance Training Course in Meteorological Instrumentation and Information Communication System
This Training shall be conducted in two phases: (1) Self learning (2) Class room contact Phase .(1) Self learning (phase-I): This phase shall start from…
This Training shall be conducted in two phases: (1) Self learning (2) Class room contact Phase .(1) Self learning (phase-I): This phase shall start from…
This online training course is intended for the operational meteorologists. The duration of the online course will be three weeks, during which you are invited…
Testbeds are organized both to teach forecasting severe convective storms using state-of-the-art or even experimental forecasting tools, and to evaluate such tools. At these events…
Course Description The course is committed to offering high quality and advanced information of the UN Early Warnings for All Initiative, and China new actions…
South-East Europe Meteorological Training Course – SEEMET is a regular training course organized by SEEMET community with aim to train the forecasters from NMSs of…
The Information Communication and Instrumentation Training Centre (ICITC), RTC New Delhi is offering a refresher training programme to the departmentals / extradepartmental personnel working as…