International workshop on flash floods
The IMS/WMO RTC Bet Dagan of the Israel Meteorological Service, in cooperation with Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation (Mashav), has provided training at a…
The IMS/WMO RTC Bet Dagan of the Israel Meteorological Service, in cooperation with Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation (Mashav), has provided training at a…
The IMS/WMO RTC Bet Dagan of the Israel Meteorological Service, in cooperation with Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation (Mashav), has provided training at a…
The Information Communication and Instrumentation Training Centre (ICITC), RTC New Delhi is offering a refresher training programme to the departmental / extra departmental personnel working…
CMACast, together with EUMETCast and GEONETCast Americas, constitutes the three major satellite-based dissemination networks of global Earth observations. In 2022, CMA made an overall upgrade…
The goal of the online course is to promote best practices for Impact-Based Forecasting for marine customers, with a focus on familiarization and effective implementation…
On the ocassion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the WMO Tropical Cyclone Panel, I.R. of Iran Meteorological Organization (IRIMO) plans to hold…