April 8, 2025

Data Access Services for Türkiye – Pull and Push DAS to download & customise data

This six-session private course is designed to provide participants with a full understanding of EUMETSAT’s data access services and tools for Earth Observation (EO) data. Over six interactive sessions, participants will gain practical experience with EUMETSAT platforms and resources, focusing on accessing and customising data.

The course will start with an introduction to EUMETSAT’s role in the European EO field and its various data access services, such as Pull and Push Data Services. It will then dive into the functionality and application of EUMETView, including how to navigate and utilize its features for visualizing and analyzing EO data. In addition, participants will learn to integrate EUMETView with QGIS, configuring and using Web Map Services (WMS), Web Coverage Services (WCS), and Web Feature Services (WFS).

Subsequent sessions focus on the Data Tailor and Data Store GUIs, where participants will acquire skills in searching, filtering, and downloading data, and customising data queries to meet specific research needs.

The course also covers the installation and use of the EUMETSAT Data Access Client (EUMDAC), with practical demonstrations on large-scale data retrieval, data customisation, and automation, equipping participants with the tools to manage EO data efficiently.

For those feeling comfortable with using Jupyter Notebooks, one of the sessions is dedicated to modifying and utilising EUMETSAT DAS Jupyter Notebooks, enabling participants to process and analyse EO data with ease.

The final session introduces EUMETCast, a crucial tool for EO data distribution, providing participants with the knowledge to effectively access and utilize data through this service.

Each session includes Q&A opportunities and hands-on activities to ensure practical application of the material. Additionally, supplementary resources such as guides, recordings, and exercises will be made available on the Moodle platform to support ongoing learning.

Location: Online Course
Type: Online Course
Contact: das-training@eumetsat.int
Language: en