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Wildland fire managers, scientists and the public benefit from timely and easy to access information about current fire activity to provide information about potential risks and support suppression activities. NASA provides multiple sources of time sensitive satellite imagery and derived data products within the Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS). FIRMS is a web-based application with a dynamic mapping interface to visualize current and historical satellite imagery, active fire detections/hot spots and related science data products to identify the location, extent, and intensity of wildland fire activity and its effects. The application also provides multiple tools for users to access and ingest data as downloadable GIS datasets and map services for use in applications. This three-part training will familiarize participants with the various modules available in FIRMS, explore the range of data and information available as well as the characteristics of satellite-based active fire detection, and provide hands-on experience that participants can apply to query, access and visualize the data in GIS and other applications.Agenda
April 16, 2025
ARSET – Introduction to NASA Earth Observations and Tools for Operational Wildfire Monitoring and Management
Host: NASA Applied Sciences