May 6, 2025

High Impact Weather webinar #2

The High Impact Weather Summer Course is an online course designed for the EUMETCAL community. It consists of an online part with learning materials that you can explore at your convenience, and two accompanying webinars provided by Rob Groenland.

They will take place on 31 March 09:00-10:30 UTC and 6 May 09:00-10:30 UTC. The High Impact Weather Summer Course will focus on the use of a specific convective forecasting method based on Doswell’s ingredient based forecasting method IBM (1996).

On completion of this course, participants will be able to:
– determine where and when deep convection will be initiated using the convection scheme (IBM),
– find the overlapping regions of moisture, instability and lift,
– determine the type of convection to expect: single cell/pulse cell, multi-cell, squall line or supercell,
– determine the corresponding hazardous weather.

Location: Online Course
Type: Online Course
Language: en