January 23, 2024

Integrated nowcasting tools workshop: status, collaboration, use of MTG data

The increasing demand for nowcasts (forecasts with 0-6h lead time) is demonstrated for issuing warnings of rapidly-changing phenomena, such as heavy rain, hail, high winds, and lightning.

Integrated nowcasting tools here are tools that integrate different data sources and apply methods to blend/analyse them for forecasters, often combining observation-based and NWP-based methods.

The impending arrival of MTG products to forecasters´ work benches will add to their toolbox, however, scientific and operational capacity needs to be built to effectively use MTG products. Integrated tools can help alleviate the risk of product and information overflow.

Location: Darmstadt(Europe)
Type: Classroom Course
Contact: Stephan.Bojinski@eumetsat.int