March 5, 2012

Eumetcal VII Workshop

The Eumetcal training workshop will be held in Exeter, UK, on a kind invitation by UK Met Office. The workshop will take place 5-8 March 2012. Time 8-9 March is reserved for Eumetcal Steering Group meeting and possible side-meetings.

The objectives of this workshop are to improve the skills of Eumetcal national trainers and to improve the training interaction and cooperation within Eumetcal.

In this workshop we will particularly focus on assisting the trainers to improve their training skills through various learning sessions and practical exercises. This event will be an ideal opportunity for participants to network with the other trainers and subject matter experts and to be involved in establishing the new thematic Working Groups for the next Eumetcal Programme phase, beginning 2013.

Registration and abstract submission to the workshop is now OPEN.

Location: (Europe)
Host: UK Met Office / EUMETCAL
Type: Workshop
Language: en