September 16, 2015

Webinar on access to RapidScat data

EUMETSAT OSI SAF will offer one-day online real-time event about the RapidScat data.

RapidScat is a short term duration mission, placing a wind scatterometer on the International Space Station (ISS) and is already a success. NOAA/NESDIS and KNMI / OSI-SAF are processing the data to produce wind observations for operational forecasting in near-real time.

In this short online session you will hear presentations on how you can access the data, on its characteristics and on experiences of using the data in operational forecasting. The ISS orbit is unusual for wind scatterometers and at latitudes between 40 and 55 degrees, multiple satellite passes will occur twice a day, resulting in much enhanced coverage. Moreover, the unusual orbit results in observation of the diurnal wind cycle and in many collocations with the ASCAT wind scatterometer on MetOp-A and -B, allowing their intercalibration. This brings new insights in the characteristics of scatterometer winds, both of the ASCAT and RapidScat type, leading to better winds.

Ad Stoffelen from KNMI will present the data available from the OSI SAF and elaborates on the research achievements of the RapidScat data.‎ Team USA will present experiences on using the data in operational marine analysis and forecasting.

Location: Online Course
Type: Online Course
Language: en