The CEOS Working Group on Capacity Building & Data Democracy (WGCapD) is co-organizing the One Earth One Health Workshop: Contributions of Earth Observations (EO) to Public Health Practices, which will take place during the 2017 Earth Observation Summit in Montreal, Canada, on June 21, 2017.
This workshop is an invitation to the large remote sensing community to seek the potential contribution from EO to address public health issues with their own field of expertise (technology, applications, methods).The workshop will unfold in three parts. The first part will entail presentations by the national and international communities on current EO applications, tools & solutions for public health issues. The second part will allow participants to discuss different scenarios related to five public health themes (vector, water & air borne diseases, vulnerable human populations, and emergency management). An expert in the field will facilitate the discussion for each scenario and help the participants answer a list of pre-established questions. The third part will be a discussion that will help inform a report regarding the potential new contribution of space-based EO to public health.