March 2, 2020

Integrated Meteorological Training Course

Date of commencement: 02.03.2020:1.Over view &Observational System:- Meteorological Variables, Surface observation & Charting, Instrumentation, Aviation, Pilot Balloon Theory, Upper air observation (First 2 weeks) 2. Core Meteorological Subjects& Others:- Dynamic Meteorology, Physical Meteorology & Marine Meteorology, Environmental Monitoring, Synoptic Meteorology , Climatology, Statistics, Aviation Meteorology, Positional Astronomy, DBMS, General Administration (Next 6 weeks) 3. Remote Sensing Met., Applied Met. & Others:- NWP, Satellite, Met Radar Met, Met Communication & Information, Agriculture Met, Seismology, Upper air Instrumentation, Surface Instrumentation, Visit to scientific / technical units (Next 5 weeks) 4. Examination (Next 3 weeks)

Location: Pune, India (Europe, Asia & Oceania, Americas, Africa)
Host: Ministry of Earth Sciences Government of India
Type: Classroom Course
Language: en