November 11, 2020

Eumetcal Workshop – With a little help from my Friends –

Eumetcal is a network that we, Members and the Eumetcal partners, have built to make education and training happening in the Meteorological domain. The aim of this Eumetcal network is to collaborate together to create training materials, courses, share and re-use content and support each other in the work we do. Simply to increase the training opportunities for our colleague and to prevent that we are doing double work. The Eumetcal 2 Programme management facilitates collaboration and knowledge sharing across this network and support this network by providing the tools and an overview of what is available
For this year’s Eumetcal Workshop the Eumetcal Steering Group has asked the Eumetcal Workshop Organising Committee to create an easily accessible and very flexible environment where you can ask questions and find answers to all education and training related matters of your concern. A fully online workshop were WE, as participants will determine the agenda of the meeting around the themes we bring to the table ourselves. In order to do this successfully we have hired Sanne Roemen and Greta Venema to guide us all through an Open Space Programme in which we get to know each other better and collaborate on the issues that matter for us as a community. Keeping in mind the results of the Eumetcal Training Needs Assessment and the difficulties we (may) have to keep our education and training programme going during these COVID-19 pandemic times we hope that this workshop will be the start of a closer cooperation within our network to solve the joint training needs we have.
This Eumetcal Workshop called “With a little help from my friends” will be organised online on 11, 12 and 13 November between 09.00 – 17.00 CET. The first morning will be all about gathering and meeting in the digital space. There will be a short introduction of the Open Space method after which we will make an inventory of the issues everyone wants to work on. We will use these to co-create the agenda for the rest of the workshop. Starting on the afternoon of day one there will be several rounds of self-powered workshops in subgroups in the breakout rooms on the matter of your concern. After each workshop round there will be room for harvesting the results of your work in the different subgroups and the actions that need to be taken to the future. Each day will have breaks for you to have some food and drinks and a bit of fresh air. There will be room for socializing and informal contact, fun activities we will also create together. Maybe you want to take a stroll in your own neighborhood while having a telephone call with a small group of people you want to catch up with. Maybe you want to have a chat with some people while having lunch, or watch a movie together or even dance.
This format is very flexible, you can come and go as you need, so you do not need to invest the whole three days and spend them behind the computer screen.
We are using the Open Space Technique for this Eumetcal workshop.
The principles of Open Space:
• Whoever come are the right people
• Whenever it starts is the right time
• Whatever happens is the only thing that could have happened
• When it’s over it’s over
Roles inside the Open Space:
• Host ︎announce and host a workshop
• Participant︎ participate in a workshop
• Bumble bee︎s “shop” between workshops
• Butterflies ︎take time out to reflect
And last but not least there is The Law of Two Feet:
If you find yourself in a situation where you are not contributing or learning, use your two feet to move somewhere where you can.
We will use online technology to facilitate this event. You will have the best experience if you use a desktop computer or laptop with a webcam and a headset. Please make sure you log on to the meeting OUTSIDE of any company network / intranet environment. If you log on from inside a network you might not have enough bandwidth for a good experience. Preferably you will be able to install the software on your computer or laptop we will use for the meeting. You might need permission for this from your system administrator if you use company hardware. If you don’t have a desktop or laptop to work with you can use a tablet or phone with a headset. A headset with a microphone is essential to minimise background noise from your end and to be able to have good audio reception. If you want to check whether you have the right gear please contact

As mentioned we will use the first morning to collaboratively design the agenda for the workshop. We would like you to prepare yourself by coming up with some subjects regarding training needs that you would like to work on. Are there any subjects you want to follow a course on or that you have expertise you would like to share? Would you like to work on making the content and materials available and findable? Whatever you can come up with would be good. You don’t have to send it in, just have your thoughts activated on this subject.

Please register yourself using the link. Once you have registered you will receive more information and instructions about the Workshop.

Location: (Europe)
Host: Eumetcal
Type: Workshop
Language: en