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Fire emissions pose serious concerns for public health, natural resources, ecosytems and climate change. In turn, a changing climate with prolonged and more frequent heatwaves, changes in atmospheric regimes, and land aridity increases the risk of fires and the regional extent and duration of the fire season. This leads to an increased need for National Services to provide and communicate about fire risk, nowcasting and impacts to a wide range of users. Some of these needs are tackled with dedicated Copernicus services for emergency management and monitoring the atmosphere at the global and Europe-wide scale. Services such as the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS), which also contributes to the Global Wildfire Information System (GWIS), a joint initiative between Copernicus, GEO and NASA, provide a comprehensive view and evaluation of fire regimes and at global level including selected data from satellite. Use of emissions from Global Fire assimilation System (GFAS) is implemented in GWIS. Satellite observations can respond to these needs thanks to their great potential for nowcasting, decision support and providing key information on the fire impact assessment.
Data engaged are Multi thematic products relevant for fire monitoring and assessment:
Vegetation and land (LAND-SAF)
Atmospheric aerosol and compounds (AC-SAF, S5P)
Copernicus Services:
o CAMS fire and smoke products
o CAMS Atmospheric Data
o Forest Fire information system EFFIS
o Copernicus satellite products (Sentinel-3 FRP)
Tools & Platform:
Web-distributes services and resources
Example on advanced data handling data with notebook embedding Python code (LTPY)
Tentative: use of the WEkEO, Atmospheric Data Store