November 27, 2023

Operational Satellite Oceanography Workshop

In response to needs identified by the Third International Operational Satellite Oceanography Symposium in June 2023, the hosts (EUMETSAT, NOAA, KHOA and KIOST) are convening a follow-up **Operational Satellite Oceanography Workshop** which will offer further training on how to exploit operational marine Earth observation data streams. The training event, which will take place online from 27 to 29 November, will give an overview of satellite products from the partners as well as provide guidance and tutorials on using available tools and software packages to facilitate data analysis, automated data access and processing and product validation.

The workshop will be split into three sessions, scheduled as follows:

* Session 1: Monday 27 November, NOAA CoastWatch (15:00 – 21:00 UTC)
* Session 2: Tuesday 28 November, EUMETSAT (10:00 – 18:00 UTC)
* Session 3: Wednesday 29 November, KIOST/KHOA (12:00 – 15:00 UTC)

Note that the sessions are timed to accommodate audiences in multiple time zones, and so shift each day.

During Session 1, the **NOAA CoastWatch** team will give an overview of the CoastWatch program, conduct demos of the **(CoastWatch Data Portal)**, **ERDDAP**, and the
**CoastWatch Utilities**. Participants will then follow a self-paced tutorial to learn how to make different types of visualisations and how to use command line tools to extract information from satellite data files. In Session 2, the **EUMETSAT** marine training team will discuss automated product access from the **EUMETSAT Data Store**, batch-processing with **SNAP**, and Copernicus Sentinel-3 OLCI ocean colour product validation with the **ThoMaS** software package. In Session 3, the KIOST and KHOA team will give an overview of the GOCI-II geostationary ocean colour instrument, outlining data access approaches and showcasing examples of its operational use in tracking sargassum. For more information on each session, please consult the
**course overview and preparation page**.

Type: Other
Language: en