May 15, 2023

International Distance Training Course on Agricultural Meteorology

The course is aimed to enhance the participants’ understanding in agrometeorology administrational issues, including functions and responsibilities, farming systems at different administrative levels, and China’s agricultural practices. It will also improve their skills of agrometeorological measurements and instrumentation and the use of analytical tools and methods for agricultural meteorology, such as crop yield prediction, disaster monitoring and crop modelling. There will also a Participants’ Forum on the agricultural meteorological services in different countries, and participants will be invited to share their knowledge on local agrometeorology research and services on this forum.

Course Content
The training course includes:
▪A brief introduction to agricultural meteorological services in China and agriculture policies;
▪Climate data use for crop planning and climatic risk assessment, such as agroclimatic regionalization;
▪Introduction to crop simulation modelling and the relationship between atmosphere, vegetation and soil;
▪Climate hazards and meteorological disasters’ impact on crop production, such as droughts, floods, hail and pests and diseases;
▪The application of radar and satellite data in agrometeorology;
▪Theoretical and practical aspects of electronic circuits and various sensors and equipment used in agrometeorological observation.

Location: Online Course
Host: China Meteorological Administration Training Centre (RTC-Beijing)
Type: Online Course
Language: en