Network Updates

Upcoming Event

September 9, 2024
ESSL-EUMETSAT Testbeds on Severe Convective Storms in Preparation for MTG
September 9, 2024
BIP-M training (Advanced Meteorological Training Course) in the discipline of General Meteorology
September 10, 2024
Climate system monitoring – Cryosphere

Social Media

📅 Upcoming training next week:

1️⃣ EWC Tenancy Admin | Sept 10
2️⃣ EUMETSAT Sea Ice Records | Sept 10
3️⃣ WMO Air Pollution in Africa | Sept 12-25

🌍 Learn more and submit your training to the CEOS Calendar:

#EOTraining #CEOS #EOTECDevNet

🌍 Africa is warming faster than the global average. The latest @WMO State of the Climate in Africa 2023 report urges investment in #EarlyWarningsForAll and meteorological services.

🔗 Read the report 👇

#ClimateAction #EarlyWarning #CapacityBuilding

🌍 Don’t miss @NASAARSET’s live Q&A tomorrow! Learn how radar remote sensing (SAR) helps monitor floods in a 1-hour session with experts. Spanish translation available.

🗓️ Sept 5 | ⏰ 12:00 - 13:00 EDT
🔗 Register here:
#FloodMonitoring #EarthObservation

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Ask NASA ARSET: Radar Remote Sensing for Flood Monitoring | NASA Applied Sciences

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